

Let Go

Serigrafía en tres colores inspirada en la canción "Let go" de Frou Frou. ... as a side note, I think it is very relevant to say that I named my first computer after them, the band... yup. Too bad they are no longer playing together, guess they took their lyrics too seriously.

Towards "Moisopolon Domos"

Moses Was High


This is the begining

Where is it !!?

The quest

Infatuation is blindfolded

Getting a boost

Teachers Advocacy para Current Magazine

Esta ilustración fue para el articulo Fundraising: Political Profs de la revista universitaria Current Magazine, en NY.


Ilustración para la portada de un libro (no publicado)

My enchanted dancer

Dibujo a lápiz para un Group Show de lapiceros azul bolita, lapiz y sharpie en Cinders Gallery , Brookly NY.
Move 16: Don’t Paint Your Teeth, marks the 2nd group drawing show at Cinders curated by artist Rich Jacobs. The guidelines for this one: Make a drawing using either ballpoint pen, pencil, or sharpie on an 8.5″ × 11″ sheet of white paper. This show brings art back to its most basic and raw form of drawing and with materials that everyone has access to. This DIY creative spirit runs throughout the show, which includes a diverse array of artists that spans several generations from around the globe. There will be a limited edition zine catalogue made to go along with the show in the very near future! 

Poster para SERG Conference, Rochester


Moody flowers

Conversao 'hecho-a-mano'

El Minotauro

Grabado chine-collé en linoleum interpretando el cuento La casa de Asterión, de Jorge Luis Borges, basado en la mitología griega del Minotauro.

Healing letter

El monito Quique

I had a dream

Grandma's Cookies Package

Empaque para galletas



Mini book 1.5x1.5 inches


cold feet

desperate mutation

Sleeping beast

Few reasons to care

Señorita Ribbon



Desolated agony
